A Letter From The Land Of Sham : If Indeed You Are Sincere With Your Intention Of Jihad!
Abdurrahman Al-Murabith, he is one of the Mujahideen from Indonesia who joined Dawlah Islam in the Land of Sham. And this letter is his testimony from the arena of jihad in the Land of Sham, he who is concerned with the bad claims made against the Mujahideen of Dawlah Islam, written on 7th May 2014. May it be helpful!
Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah who have made us Muslim, Muwahid and Mujahid. May Allah Ta’ala give us patience and istiqomah in struggling for Islam until Al-Quds and Spain are returned to the laps of the Muslims and Rome is conquered in shaa Allah. Salawat and salam to the greatest commander of all time, Rasulullah Salallahu alaihi wa sallam, who have instilled fear into the hearts of his enemies, and given to the generations after him, an example of patience in facing the accuses of the accusers.
Before I begin this writing, let us plead to Allah Ta’ala. May it be shown to us that the truth is true and that we are given taufiq by Allah to follow that truth. How many people know the truth but are not yet given taufiq by Him in following that truth, just like the closest person to Rasulullah, i.e. Abu Thalib who died in kufr for rejecting the da'wah of Rasulullah due to the feeling of prestige in himself. And the same goes otherwise, we plead to Him so that we are shown that the batil is batil and that we are given taufiq to avoid it.
Here, I am only writing according to my knowledge. When there is truth in it, it all comes from Allah and when there is error, it comes from Shaitan and my personal self.
Getting To Know The Kataibs (Brigades) In The Land Of Sham
It could be said that the country of Sham is a country of a thousand katibahs. Because indeed there are many Jihad kataibs that exist in Sham. From those many brigades. Jaishul Hur (FSA), Dawlah Islam Iraq & Sham, Ahrar Sham and Jabhat Nusra could be said as the most influential, the Jabhat Islamiyah (Jabhat Ali Salul) had not been formed at that time. And then the Jabhat Islamiyah was formed, led by Ahrar Sham with the integration of small kataibs into their ranks.
In brief, the FSA is an army which is dominated by the defectors from Bashar's forces and some other people of Syria who joined them, composed of various katibahs and it is already an open secret that their weapons and funding come from foreign countries like Turkey, America and other kafir countries. As for Dawlah Islam, it is an extension of the wings of Dawlah Islam in Iraq led by Sheikh Baghdady which, at the beginning of its formation, was mostly dominated by the Muhajireen who moved from Jabhat Nusra which was previously a part of the forces of Dawlah Islam in Iraq. Next, the Jabhat Nusra is the forces of Jaulani who broke his bai'at to Baghdady and gave bai'at to Sheikh Ayman which later changed its name to Tandhimu Qoidah Fii Biladi Sham. Whereas the Jabhat Islamiyah is an alliance different kataibs led by Ahrar Sham, and it is proven that the funding of their weapons and logistics come from the thaghut Saudi Arabia.
The above is a brief introduction to the groups in the land of Sham which if full of barakah. Keep in mind that all those groups are fighting against the dynasty of Assad's regime in Syria. Of course, each has a goal why they are picking up arms. Some fight just to bring down the regime, some fight to establish a democratic State in accordance with the advice of their Big Boss, some fight to establish a State that claims to be Islamic but is non-threatening to the Kuffar, in fact even befriending them, and lastly are those who fight to establish an Islamic State which is regulated by the Qur’an and Sunnah as the main foundation of the State.
Dawlah Islam of Iraq And Sham
Since proclaimed by Sheikh Abu Bakar Al-Baghdady, Dawlah Islam has armies in Sham which are deployed in Raqqah, Hasakah, Halab (Aleppo), Idlib and Latikia (wilayah of Sahil). Of course Dawlah lives intermixingly with other kataibs in those wilayah (regions). Dawlah endeavors to their utmost ability to apply the Shari'ah of Islam in the wilayah where Dawlah they are present. Starting by establishing the Islamic court, Ma’had of Shar’i Knowledge and other efforts. The biggest court owned by Dawlah was located in Addana in the wilayah of Halab, there were also other courts located in other regions such as in Azaz (outskirts of Halab) and in Najiyah village in the outskirts of Latikia. A considerable number of people came to complain their cases, this showed that the Islamic court of Dawlah was recognized by the local community.
The Great Conspiracy Against Dawlah Islam
The sparks of the fighting between Dawlah Islam and the FSA had actually happened in some regions before the start of January (big battle). In Raqqah, there was the group called Ahfadu Rasul, in Azaz there was Ashifatu Shimal, in Latikia there was the Alhijrah ila Allah. Yeah… the name of their groups are nice indeed, and the explanation of why Dawlah fought them, as I recall was once explained by the spokesman of Dawlah Islam in the kalimat entitled ((لك الله ايتها الدولة المظلومة )) and what needs to be underlined is that Dawlah never started any fighting against other existing kataibs. One of the reasons why Dawlah fought Ashifatu Shimal in Azaz was the American doctor who drove around with them taking pictures of all the headquarters of Dawlah there, and when Dawlah asked about the American, they refused and fired at the car of Dawlah's delegation, thus two men from Dawlah's side were martyred. But the world media accused Dawlah as the perpetrator of the incident.
At the beginning of January, the army of Dawlah Islam had a big battle against the regime of Bashar in the wilayah of Deir zour (changed to wilayah Al-Khair by Dawlah) led by Umar Shishani (video could be viewed at Rasail Min Ardhil Malahim no. 20), most of Dawlah's troops from other wilayahs joined the fight there, since it started with the war against the regime in Hama, Dawlah did not have a big battle joining with other kataibs, Wallahu a’lam the reason is for the sake of the effectiveness of the battle.
So what happened had happened, almost all kataibs under the FSA waged war against Dawlah Islam obeying their Big Boss who had come to visit. Hundreds of Muhajireen were murdered cowardly. Why did I say cowardly? If indeed they were brave, surely they would have announced it by mouth before attacking the army of Dawlah. The lives of the Muhajireen of Dawlah seemed so cheap. Even the Muhajirah also fell victim to the their inhumanity. Halab and Idlib were the most heated places in this incident. Nothing was left of the Islamic court of Addana except for charred walls from being hit by mortars. There was no media that reported this massacre, should the families of the killed Muhajireen cry in front of the media so that they have the response of the world???? What is more distressing, the big group that claimed to be acting in the name of Islam was silent over this incident, there were only individuals from their group who helped the fleeing Muhajireen of Dawlah, yes… they were fleeing not fighting, isn't a Muslim supposed to be a brother to another Muslim??? In fact, a Shar’i of Jabhat Nusra in the wilayah of Idlib indirectly participated in the war against Dawlah (based on the story of an ikhwah from Indonesia who had been captured by the FSA in Idlib). Hasbunallah wa ni’mal wakil.
Chaos happened in almost all territories inhabited by Dawlah, only the wilayah of Sahil was free from significant disturbance by the FSA kataibs there. The spokesman of Dawlah released a speech entitled (( الرائد لا يكذب أهله)) which contained the ultimatum for the FSA to repent before the forces of Dawlah come back to fight them. So those who repented had repented and those who fought had fought. Whereas Sheikh Baghdady in his speech entitled (( والله يعلم وأنتم لا تعلمون)) rejected the accusations of the accusers in this major incident.
Supports After Supports Come To The Oppressed Dawlah Islam, Starting From The Kabilah In The Land Of Sham To The Muslims In The Eastern Part Of The World.
With the help of Allah Ta’ala, the forces of Dawlah that fought in the wilayah of Al-Khair withdrew, cleansing off the city of Raqqah from the traitors, expanding to Jarablus, Maskanah, and Al Bab in the wilayah of Halab. Raqqah was made as the capital city of Dawlah Islam of Iraq and Sham. Dawlah also drew in the forces from the isolated wilayahs and Azaz city to the wilayah already controlled fully by Dawlah. Thus the domain of Dawlah stretched from the wilayah of Anbar and cities in Iraq to Al-Bab in the wilayah of Halab. Islamic courts were then established in the wilayahs controlled by Dawlah, the borders were reinforced by placing troops in every corner, and the most important of it all is that the Law of Allah was implemented utterly in Dawlah Islam of Iraq & Sham. All of that is with the help of Allah alone, not with the guns and the number of the soldiers of Dawlah.
Not long after that, the Jihad World was again shaken by the death of Abu Khalid Assury. Many of the accusations were directed at Dawlah Islam as the perpetrator of the assassination. The Amir of Jabhat Nusra surprisingly released a speech that directly mentioned Dawlah as the perpetrator of the assassination, and blamed Dawlah that fought Jaish Hur (FSA), he also blamed Dawlah for calling them Sahawat, as well as giving a five-days deadline to the umara’ of Dawlah to respond to his speech.
Subhanallah... where was he when hundreds of the Muhajireen of Dawlah were murdered in a betrayal. Not a few Tsughur Ulama slammed that of Jaulani's speech. Also not a few soldiers of Jabhat Nusra decided to leave the ranks of Jaulani and gave bai'at to Dawlah Islam after that speech. I personally was wondering too, what really happened?? Until finally my question was answered with the release of a speech by spokesman of Dawlah ((ثم نبتهل فنجعل لعنة الله على الكاذبين )), containing a challenge to a mubahalah against the Shar’i of Jabhat Nusra, Abu Abdullah Ash-Shami for his vile accusation against Dawlah (I heard someone has already translated all those fitnah into Indonesian in the form of a book). For the umpteenth time, the Jihad world was puzzled by the statement of Sheikh Ayman Dzhawahiri who accused Dawlah of being the killer. In fact, he called Dawlah as party that was possessed by the nafs (carnal desire) and ignorance. And he invited the ummah to not give aid, in whatever form, to them. Subhanallah... Hasbunallah wa ni’mal wakiil. Please listen to response from the spokesman of Dawlah Islam in his speech entitled ((ما كان هذا منهجنا ولن يكون)).
Talking With The People Of Sham
This is a bit of a story taken from a conversation with a resident of a town in East Syria which was under the control of Jabhat Nusra. He said that there was no implementation of the Law of Allah there. Khamr, theft, Zina still happen and are not a strange thing there. In fact, he said that Jabhat Nusra in that wilayah paid gangsters to fight against Dawlah Islam, their Shar’i said that it is allowed to kill anyone who could possibly be related to Dawlah Islam without being interrogated first. Yes.. Jabhat Jaulani in that wilayah have a lot of oil wells which had darkened their hearts. Therefore, are the ones fighting for the sake of the world the same as the ones fighting for the sake the establishment of Allah's law?? Allah Ta’ala knows and you do not know.
Our Advice To You
Next, here is my advice to anyone who reads this writing. Someone who is below could also advise someone who is above (of higher status). Someone who is young could also advise someone who is older. A soldier could also advise the commander, a student could also advise the teacher.
We should fear Allah Ta’ala in dealing with the problems in the land of Sham. Not hasty in the spreading news related to the Mujaheddin, especially from those who are irresponsible. Be fair to us, you might speak evil about us, but be aware that the Court of Allah will never be wrong in judgment.
If you are indeed sincere in your intention of Jihad, come over to the blessed country of Sham, make hijrah and conduct jihad until you are called by Allah. Not by coming here for a few weeks, and then you return to the country ruled by thaghut, by bringing and spreading false news about the Mujahideen by which you will be questioned in the akhirah later. Fear Allah!
To the Muhajireen in the ranks of Jabhat Nusra if you are reading this writing. What else are you waiting for in order to join Dawlah Islam? Yes… Dawlah do have errors committed by its individuals. But you know, if we were to compare the errors of the individuals, don't other groups have even more heaps of errors of their soldiers. You know who is tsabat in battles and who runs away from it. If only you know the reality of Jabhat Nusra that was in Eastern wilayah. You might argue that those exist only in the Eastern regions, but aren't they all under one command, i.e. under Jaulany??
It has already been a Sunnatullah that the truth will always fight against the batil. And it has also been a Sunnatullah that, all the batil that are in different camps and mutually fighting each other will unify to bring down the one truth. Just like Persia and Rome unified to bring down the Khilafah Islamiyah. Hasbunallah wa ni’mal wakil…
It is this little that I could write. My apologies if there are errors in this writing. Hopefully this writing can serve as a form of da'wah to the Ummah. Because there is no Jihad without da'wah and no da'wah without Jihad.
Abdurrahman Al-Murabith
Taken from al-mustaqbal.net
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